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Ashley Down Primary School

Sports Premium 

Each year schools receive government funding, referred to as the Sports Premium, to improve provision of PE and sport.

As a school we want all children to become physically literate by developing their Fundamental Movement Skills. These building blocks will underpin the ability to play and be involved in many different sports and activities. It is therefore essential that every child masters these skills. A strong PE scheme of work and a wide range of after school clubs enables children to move confidently and effectively and we believe will assist children to undertake everyday challenges proficiently.

Research shows that children who are competent in Fundamental Movement Skills are more likely to enjoy sports and activities and to develop a lifelong commitment to physical activity (Get skilled Get active, 2000) 

Sports Premium Report


At Ashley Down Primary School our children have 40 minutes swimming lessons each week in Year 4,

from Terms 1 - 4.

Our End of Key Stage 2 swimming attainment for 2023-24 is as follows:
  • Percentage of children who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres : 78%
  • Percentage of children who can use a range of strokes effectively: 78%
  • Percentage of children who can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations: 78%