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Ashley Down Primary School


The relationships we have with Ashley Down parents and carers are central to making sure that children thrive at school. Key to maintaining these good relations is resolving concerns and complaints at the earliest possible stage, and where possible, informally.

Our complaints policy has been created to deal with any complaint against a member of staff or the school as a whole, relating to any aspects of the school or the provision of facilities or services. It is designed to be straightforward, impartial, non-adversarial, allow a full and fair investigation, respect confidentiality and deliver an effective response and appropriate redress.

Any person, including a member of the public, is able to make a complaint about the provision of facilities or services that the school provides. Here is an outline of the procedure that the complainant and school must follow:

  • Stage One: Informal concern made to a member of staff
  • Stage Two: Formal complaint made to the Headteacher, or in the case of a complaint against the Headteacher, made in writing to the Clerk to Governors for the Chair of Governors.
  • Stage Three: Investigation by the Chair of Governors
  • Stage Four: Complaints Appeal Panel (CAP)
  • Final Stage: Appeal

The process can be stopped at any stage by the person making the complaint when a satisfactory conclusion is reached.

The full policy, which expands on the process and provides additional detail, is available here:

Complaints Policy.