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Ashley Down Primary School

Charging & Remissions 

 School Dinners

 School Dinners cost £2.90 per day.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Free School Meals. Please see our financial support page to see whether your child may be eligible for Free School Meals in Year 3 onwards.

School dinner choices are registered in the classroom daily at the same time as morning registration. Payment for school dinners should be made in advance via Arbor. This is the same payments app for trips, clubs and consents etc.

Please click her for current Lunch Menu.

School Milk

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can have a carton of milk everyday. This is free when they are 4 years old. When children turn 5 years old parents need to pay for milk. All the information including how to order and pay can be found on the school milk service. https://schoolmilkservices.co.uk/parents

Trips, including swimming lessons in Year 4

The majority of school trips are subsidised by the school. Parents are asked to make a contribution towards the cost, so that we can continue to offer children high quality learning experiences out of school. For children eligible for pupil premium, we request a reduced contribution. Payments for trips can be done online via Arbor.

Residential Visit

In Year 6, there will be an opportunity for your child to participate in an outdoor pursuits residential visit, spending 4 nights away from home enjoying some adventurous and exciting activities. We give plenty of notice for this trip and provide the ability to spread the cost of payments over time.


Sometimes there is a charge if school is hosting an activity run by another organisation, or to help towards the cost of materials used. Other clubs run free of charge.

PSA Events and Charity Events

Throughout the year, our PSA run discos and other fund raising events. They will usually raise money by selling refreshments or a small charge for entry. Sometimes we may ask for a small charitable donation, for example for children in need. These are always voluntary.

Online Payments

We try to be a cash-free school. Many payments can be made online via Arbor. The systems are quite easy to use and the school office can give you more information on how to set up an account, or sit down and do this with you.


 Charging and Remissions Policy

Click here to download our full policy.